imputor? newsletter
Available on CD July 14th, 2009 | Available digitally on July 21st, 2009 This is the final album in a 3-part series by San Diego's enigmatic Aspects of Physics -- spanning 5 years, 7 members, and countless pieces of individual audio bits and bytes painstakingly pieced together to form the cohesive Marginalized Information Forms series. Whereas part one in the series represented the marriage of electronic and rock sensibilities and part two focused more on their electronic leanings, part three shifts towards the more organic live-rock-band side of the equation. Children of the post-rock age, MIF3 returns Aspects of Physics back to their roots of amp stacks, drum kits, and crowded rock clubs. For fans of Battles, Tortoise, Slint, Physics, Fridge, Four Tet, Kraftwerk, Mogwai. Two FREE full-length MP3 downloads are available: Level 3 | Default Actions Buy @ for $9.99: Ye Olde Shoppe Album Details | | |
Thursday July 9th @ The Whistlestop in San Diego 2236 Fern St San Diego, CA 92104 (map) (619) 284-6784 9PM, FREE, 21+ This show is FREE and also features Matador Recording artist and Matmos collaborator LESSER. Come by, have a few drinks, enjoy some live music, and get your hands on the new CD before anyone else. |
Imputor? is proud to have joined the IRIS Distribution family. Very soon you will be able to find our catalog all over the internets at places like Amazon, eMusic, Napster, and many others. Choice is good! |
The Coalition of Indie Music Stores has launched their digital downloads site and imputor? is proud to be a part of it. 320kbps/DRM-free -- support indie record stores and buy from them instead of the corporate lackeys!
Even better, they will be hosting the new Aspects of Physics album in its digital format exclusively starting July 14th -- a week before you can get it on iTunes or anywhere else. Imputor? @ ThinkIndie |
We realize that we're pretty bad sending these newsletters out on a regular basis, so we've started using these sites that all of the cool kids are using to get information out to the masses. Click the icons below to find us all over the internets:
LastTweetSpaceBook FTW! |
That's it for now! As always, get the latest news over at
Love xoxox,